Open Water Fishing

1/2 Day (4+ Hours) - $375 for two people
Full Day (8+ Hours) - $475 for two people
$100 per addit'l person (1/2 or full day)
(includes State Sales Tax)
Client will cover the expense of live bait (minnows, leeches and suckers for late fall musky fishing)
Equipment Provided
620 Ranger VS Boat
St. Croix Rods
Top of the Line Reels
Garmin Electronics including Livescope
100s of baits and jigs to catch your trophy of a lifetime

What to Bring
Valid Wisconsin Fishing License
Polarized sunglasses
Seasonal appropriate clothing
Snacks (I provide water)
A Positive Attitude!
No alcohol, please. You can celebrate when back on shore.
Species Targeted
Multi species until the end of June
Muskies from first week of June through Ice Up (FYI - Musky Fishing is Catch and Release)